Monday, September 30, 2019

5th Grade Mirror Mazes

During Science Lab today, our FPD 5th grade scientists learned about reflection, refraction, and diffraction.  Take a look at their mirror mazes in the photos below...

2nd Grade Frog Investigations

On Friday our FPD 2nd grade scientists had some fun with frogs!  They released frogs into our garden pond with their homeroom teachers...

and in lab played some fun nature games like Frog and Toad Trivia and Who Am I? (an animal kingdom matching game).

Want to hear more of the fun frog sounds we heard in Science Lab?  Click HERE.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

4th Grade Learns about the Water Cycle

This week's 4th grade Science Lab was all about the water cycle!  Ask these scientists about their exciting dice game journey through the water cycle or about their "Water Cycle in a Baggy" experiment.

1st Grade: Garden Day